Monday, November 10, 2008

Makin' Babies!

No, this is not a story about pigs makin' bacon, bunnies, or the Palin family. NOT what you think! Craig and I have discovered how easy it is to propagate new plants down here in the desert. A lot of plants down here just make little babies and all you have to do is dig them out and put them in a pot with dirt. Sunday was a work day because living down here also involves overseeding the lawn every year, so we decided to separate some of the babies from the mamas while we were dirty. Here's some of Sunday's booty.

But to start off, look at this angry sunrise Sunday morning!

On to the free plants!

Here's one agave.

And another smaller one.

A Mediterranean Fan Palm that was pretty big!

Two yuccas -- one on each end in this grouping.

And a Katie Ruellia. This plant gets little mounding purple flowers.

Now if I could just grow money in this manner -- wouldn't that be a miracle!


  1. That's great! I try propagating & with some plants it works.

  2. Love the sunrise photo! And the cactus pics are great. The agriculture department of the university sells plants and I bought a pencil cactus...weird looking thing. No leaves or needles...just pencil thin stems that branch out and can grow to 30 feet high!

  3. Ann, so far they look okay. Desert plants seem a lot easier for some reason. Although I've lost a few established ones that I transplanted to other locations.
    Deb, I love cactuses down here because they're a lot easier to take care of. You can neglect them. I need to do a post just on cactus photos!
