Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Little Pre-Season Christmas Spirit

I can't believe it's almost Thanksgiving. Craig tagged along to the grocery store today because my back was really hurting and I didn't want to drive the Bug and lift groceries. The grocery store was packed with people shopping the Thanksgiving ads! I stocked up on everything but the turkey, and then we decided to hit Costco for a few items. We sampled all the cookies from the Christmas cookie tins (YUM!), and bought a pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving. I'll freeze it so I don't have to stand in that long line for pumpkin pie there next week! People were piling Christmas decorations and gifts into their shopping carts.

All those lights and ornaments at Costco reminded me of Isla Mujeres in December. The lights on Medina in front of the ferry look so retro!

And look at this decorated Christmas window from December 2005. I think the shop has changed hands and is now internet and gelato. But wasn't it something that Christmas!

And a shop door on Hidalgo decked out for the Christmas season.

I think the Grinch (that would be me) is starting to warm up with some holiday spirit!


  1. I know what you mean about beng a Grinch--working in reatil turns me off tto the holidays! I see so much at work that I do very little decorating --only put up a tabletop tree-and some years I don't even do that!

  2. I can see my medicine kicked in! I didn't spell check my comment!

  3. We haven't really celebrated for a few years but this year will be different. I'm hoping to volunteer in my new community. Great photos Beck!

  4. I love Christmas...means another trip to Isla!! We're bringing a few decorations this year for the apartment so we can have a little Christmas celebration while there.

  5. One of these years, I will travel to Isla during our "winter holiday." It looks so beautiful and festive.

  6. That December 2005 trip was my favorite. It was before Christmas and the island was pretty deserted! I'll be posting more Christmas pics from that trip!
    Ann, I know what you mean about working retail at Christmas. My son can't stand Christmas music after doing that for 4 or 5 years. Jeanie, have some Christmas fun! And Brenda, have a great Christmas on Isla! And Vee, I'd love to go over Christmas sometime too. We have good friends who've spent Christmas there for the last few years, but we just haven't been able to! Someday!
