Friday, November 14, 2008

I Feel Lucky!

Well, maybe I didn't feel so lucky on Monday when I couldn't turn my computer on. I think I heard Taps! I pushed the start button, the blue light came on for a nano second, then went out. I tried it over and over with no success. We went on the HP website and did all the troubleshooting. Thank God Craig knew how to take the back of the laptop off and follow their instructions. I'm no good at troubleshooting if it involves a screwdriver and removing anything. I can usually replace batteries in an electronic device, but that's about it! Anyway, none of the troubleshooting worked.

So we called the support line at HP and got a not so helpful woman. She informed us that the computer was out of warranty and it would cost $49.95 to talk to someone about our issues. Craig asked her if she could look to see if there were any known recalls on our particular model since I vaguely remembered a product notification. No, she could not, but for $49 someone might be able to help with that. Alrighty there.

Fortunately, I DO have a mind like a steel trap!!! I may not be able to locate the scissors on any given day, but I definitely remembered getting a service enhancement notice from HP many moons ago which had to do with this issue -- a computer that won't start! At the time, the laptop was working fine, but I also filed it in my brain that they would cover the problem for 24 months. So I decided to dig through all my old e-mails. Lo and behold, it was there at the very bottom of the heap. I had marked it as not read.

So, Craig called the service number on THAT e-mail and got a friendly person named Don. He looked it up and yes, our laptop was covered under that service enhancement program. So, I took the laptop to Fed Ex Wednesday and it was beamed up in a box to the mother ship at HP. The computer will be fixed with a new mother board at no charge. I have HIT the mother lode and will receive a free mother board. (Couldn't resist all those mother phrases!) So I Feel Lucky! Should I buy a lottery ticket?

P.S. We also scored free flu shots last week, so I'm just over the moon. (That's sarcasm.) And that Mary Carpenter Chapin video is a hoot! That's one of my favorite songs!


  1. Love the song!!!! I shall sing it today and think of you when I buy lottery tickets (I haven't bought any since we moved) I had one of those "you must pay to talk to someone" calls a while back. I didn't pay and she was a BITCH. I'll pick you up on the way to Isla when I win tonight!!!!

  2. Beck, I think you should definitely buy a lottery ticket. I mean, free flu shots - you are on a roll for sure!

  3. Yes, you lucked out! I can definitely relate to computer problems lately! I HATE it when that happens!! (Cool video, by the way.)

  4. I love that song, too. I sing it when I'm in Vegas. Wooohoo!!! I think I'll go buy a lotto ticket on the way home, too.

  5. Good for you! Lucky that you filed away that email!
