Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Grinch

Yesterday, we noticed our favorite easy listening station, 99.9, is now playing Christmas music -- all Christmas, all the time! PLEASE! I'm not sure why it's driving me nuts, but Craig felt the same way. It's a long time until Christmas!

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus, but could we wait until closer to Thanksgiving to be bombarded? Well, I know the resounding answer to that. NO!

Okay, now I feel like the Grinch that stole Christmas. :) So here's a Christmas tune. Just dream you're walking through a department store. Here in Phoenix, they pipe Christmas music outdoors over the parking lot speakers at Target, Walmart, etc... It's kind of cool seeing palm trees and listening to Elvis crooning Christmas tunes.

P.S. We took a ride in the Bug with the top down this afternoon. And we listened to Christmas music on 99.9. I have to admit it was kind of fun, so maybe I'm out of my Grinchy funk! :)


  1. My son and I were talking about the same thing this weekend. The wreaths were put up on the courthouse in San Marcos the day after Halloween. That's just too soon. And I've taken many pictures of that window on Isla...but never with Christmas decorations. How cute!

  2. I dig that Elvis tune.
    Those are some great pics in that video.

    When you get the time, please check out my blg.
    I have some very interesting Christmas Music.

    When you get the time, please check out my blg.
    I have some very interesting Christmas Music.

    Thanks a trillion,
