Monday, November 24, 2008

Deck the Halls!

I spent the weekend decorating the inside and outside of the house -- everything but the Christmas tree. That will go up sometime after Thanksgiving. It seems a little early, but we're trying to work in a short Arizona road trip next weekend, so I thought I might as well get the Christmas projects done! Besides that, it lifts the spirits! Something to take the mind off the current state of the nation! And if I'm going to do all this work, I might as well put it up a little early so I can enjoy it for longer! Here's some photos from the weekend work. I started out in the courtyard first.

Look at all the new baby plants. Baby's First Christmas!

And even the cacti got the treatment!

Come on in and I'll show you some of my Christmas work!

Here's my collection of old Santa's, old Santa boots, and missions.

This is my favorite arrangement! I collect old wicker, retro Christmas houses, postcards, etc... So I used an old piece of wire fencing to back the Christmas village with all my Christmas pics and postcards.

More old wicker and pinecones.

I even used some of my seashells/seaglass with some old glass Christmas ornaments!

More wicker and old Christmas ornaments.

Deck the walls too!

A creed I NEVER should have adopted!

Love this old colander filled with old glass ornaments.

Had to get up on top those kitchen cabinets!

Some more kitchen glitz.

And spruced up kitchen shelves!

Some decorations in the family room.

I have a few more plans for this next week. I'm going to drag some of my antique wooden boxes out of the garage and fill them with Christmas goodies, and also touch some old pots with white paint to give them that shabby chic look. But I really need to go buy a turkey! :)

P.S. While I was decorating the courtyard, a bird crapped on me. I hope that's not an omen!


  1. What a great job! Really like all the old stuff.Where did you get the clothes pins? Just can't get started with mine yet. Go buy that Turkey and have a good holiday. ~frank~

  2. Frank, my friends bought those old clothespins as a birthday gift for me when we were all in Maine. I have an old wooden cigar box full of them! I touched some of them with white paint and left the rest as they were. You have a wonderful holiday too! :)

  3. You are way ahead of me!! I am trying to get the house clean for the family Thanksgiving!!
    I heard that if a big craps on you it's a sign of upcoming wealth. You better go buy a lottery ticket!

  4. Everything looks great! I started cleaning off spaces where I'll put Xmas stuff, but that's as far as I got! Did start Xmas cards, though

  5. What a festive place! I'm celebrating Christmas at your house! (LOL about the bird.)

  6. Yes, festive indeed. You were a busy elf this weekend. Very cool - and original!

  7. Gorgeous Beck! I love the way you have included desert decor. BTW according to an old Scottish belief "Shitty luck is good luck"

  8. Well, I think I should go out in my courtyard and just sit there all day!!!! I could use a windfall. Actually, I'm owed a bit of a windfall right now, so maybe the bird shit will work its magic and get the person to pay up!

    Thanks everyone. I had a lot of fun throwing stuff together, and the beauty of it was that I didn't spend a penny. Craig was very happy about that! :)

  9. I love it all! Now, on Isla, they are trying little red ribbons into bows along the aloes leafs. Something to do when things die down!
