Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Boats Afloat

I love the boats on Isla -- especially the ferry boat that takes me there! All the boats are beautiful with the turquoise blue Caribe as a backdrop. But without all the rustic pangas, Isla Mujeres wouldn't be the same! Picture all the water and docks along Rueda Medina lined with sleek modern speed and sailboats. The island's ambience would definitely be altered. Here are some of my all time favorite boat pics.

The restaurant at Bally Hoo is my favorite place to watch the boats on Isla come and go. Not to mention I love their fish and chips!

I like to walk straight out Medina along the airstrip on the bayside. Lots of sailboats drop anchor there in the bay, and rustic pangas also dot the shoreline in that area. It's a great area to take photos!

And then there are the multitude of boats in town all up and down Medina along the docks.

Love this sailboat. It was on Isla one May for a regatta.

And the pirate boat!

Never ridden the car ferry, but I love photos of it passing in front of the Posada beach.

And then there are the ferries. I love the Ultramar, but I can't hack being cooped up inside the old Puerto Juarez ferry.

I call this ramshackle conglomeration of boats at Gran Puerto the graveyard. I snap pictures of the graveyard when I'm headed to the airport. You know the fun's over when you see the damn graveyard! :(


  1. Great pics! I know what you mean about how different Isla would be if all the boats were new and shiny. Those old boats are what gives Isla its character...and us shutterbugs a lot of photo ops.

  2. Those were just beautiful. I'm anxiously waiting to take my first photos in February. What a lovely island.

  3. Nancy, you'll love it! There are lots of photos waiting to be taken! And Deb, thanks!
