Sunday, October 19, 2008

Splish Splash

Okay, enough of the baby humor! Saby's been a Beauty School Dropout for awhile, so Saturday was bath day. I wish I'd gotten a picture of her slinking off when Craig came in to get her for her outdoor scrub. I was glad I wasn't doing it because Saby really holds a grudge. Sometimes she gives the cold shoulder to the perpetrator for at least a day afterwards. Here's some pics. She was NOT a happy camper, but she's getting over it! And she smells and feels so much better!

What are YOU looking at!

The indignity of it!

Man, I could use a drink!

Okay, I admit it. I feel better! :)


  1. She looks nice & fluffy now! Our dog gets a bath once a year, but loves to go in any body of water in the summer. Luckily we have a pond nearby to take him to.

  2. Ann, Saby hates water. She fell into our pool once. Fortunately, Craig heard her and found her clinging to the edge of the pool. I'm glad she doesn't like water because it took hours to clean the hair she shed out of the water!
