Sunday, October 12, 2008

Home Again!

Our son left yesterday after being here for a few days. And he just LOVES to jerk my chain. Ha! I think that started at birth! When he arrived home, he walked in the door wearing this t-shirt. He'd just driven in from Utah where he evidently visited a good brew pub with a sense of humor!



Here's Michael with his best girl Saby!

He's really enjoying his new job with Ecco Golf traveling around the country doing demos and shows. But I can tell he gets a little weary at times of life on the road and living out of a duffle bag. I love this Blake Shelton video that expresses those same sentiments (but obviously, my son's not in France!).


  1. Love that video! He did a great job on that song--and I like Michael Buble's version also. Great t-shirt!

  2. Great T-Shirt. I know some guys that would love that shirt.
