Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Obsessions -- Shells & Sea Glass

Collecting shells has been an obsession of mine since I was in my 20's. Back in those days, I'd visit my aunt in South Padre Island, Texas. We'd get up early early (before 6 a.m.) and hit the beach to grab the olives and assorted shells as they rolled in on the waves. Then we'd head to the restaurant at the jetty afterwards to have breakfast.

I didn't discover sea glass until we stayed on the Caribe side of Isla Mujeres in 2004. Now that's my new obsession! And one of the pluses of collecting these souvenirs is that they're free! Well . . . I guess you have to count the price of the airfare and room? Ha! Here's some of my bootie from our latest trip to Isla Mujeres.

Basket of Sea Glass

Some shells (the conchs were discarded by local fishermen).

Some unusual sea glass pieces (tops of bottles).

Glass and shells from the May trip.

The beach beyond this wall is a great place to pick up eroded conchs and glass!

The 'take' from a short afternoon walk on this beach.


  1. I love your treasures Beck. I have a passion for eroded conchs.

  2. I have the same obsession!! Yesterday, my girlfriend helped me clean my master bathroom. She was bagging up sea glass and said, "I think you better quit collecting this stuff." Not on your life. I love getting up early on Isla and walking the Carib side looking for treasures.

  3. Psst. Don't tell anybody but the best beach for sea glass is at the end of the malecon. Right in front of that huge building they are putting up. Stay on the shore though. That beach has been the site of many, many drownings.

  4. Jeanie, I love the character of eroded conchs! Have you ever seen the eroded conch 'flowers' at Color de Verano? And Brenda, we couldn't be on Isla at the same time because we'd be fighting over turf! Ha! Wayne, thanks for the tip. I've never been in that exact area, but next time! I've only hunted from about Casa del Sol al Sol on south.

  5. I love your seaglass. I collect it, too and make jewelry out of it. It's so pretty!!
