Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Arizona Kitsch!

Williams, Arizona was about two miles out of our way on the return trip from the Grand Canyon, so we decided to check it out. Wow! Were we surprised. It's the home of kitsch! Main Street's loaded with funky architecture from the early to mid-1900's with a lot of old cars, gas stations, etc.... It definitely brought back memories of the time my parents drove Route 66 and took us to California in the early 1960's!

Turquoise Tepee Sign

Red Garter Bed & Breakfast

Old Gas Pumps

'49 Ford

The Old Family Station Wagon

Yes! He is real! (The dog!)

Old Miner in Wicker Chair

William's Shop

Lots of Bars!

Funky Arizona Stone Building

Old Ford (see the dog?)

Old Tin Sided Building

Train to Grand Canyon


Funky Main Street

For Janet and Mike!

And to think we just drove on by!

Eddie's Tire Shop

Model T


  1. Brother Tom had a 49 Ford exactly like that. He bought it in 1969 for $300. It had less than 10,000 miles on it, so it was like brand new in spite of it being 20 years old.

    Very fun retro photos!

  2. Does Brother Tom still have it in his barn? ja ja ja My parents had a red convertible just like the blue one in the picture when we were little.

  3. Dear Lord, Beck, I have some catching up to do on your blog, between being busy with my trip report and starting my own blog!!

    I always enjoy your "groovy" photos - you sure have and eye for the unique!

  4. I meant "an" eye - hate this laptop

  5. JoAnne, I loved your trip reports on the message board! Looks like a lot of fun!
