Monday, September 15, 2008

Saby the Wonder Dog

The choice of song is tongue in cheek, but I guess she almost IS our everything! What a spoiled little princess. Her start in life was a little spotty, having been abandoned in front of a supermarket in Redmond, Washington. She was left tied to a bench with no water. How I wish I could have seen her as a puppy! I bet she was adorable with her furry Chow/Shepherd face. Saby was once again left at the age of seven, but this time reluctantly and out of necessity. Her well-meaning owner left her temporarily in my son's care with every intention of coming back for her quickly. But that was not to be. Then she was evicted from my son's apartment and we agreed to take her in for just a little while. Temporary turned to permanent, including a move from the forest to the desert. And now she's finally home to stay! I'm amazed at the versatillity she's shown in being able to adapt to so many changes in such a short life. It took about two seconds to switch her hobby from squirrels to pigeons. :) For Saby, it truly has been a crazy journey!