Saturday, September 6, 2008

I Like Cake!

I'm a huge cake lover! Even this song makes me hungry for cake! Anyone got a birthday? Check out, the birthplace of all these nutty songs with the cats. There's some pretty bizarre stuff there. Cakes seem to be a big deal right now! There are numerous blogs, including Cake Wrecks that's listed in 'My Blog List'. You won't believe some of the creepy cakes there, including a puppy dog that reminds me of the armadillo cake in Steel Magnolia's. There's also a horse's ass cake on that blog. I can think of several people to give that to! HA!

Take a look at this wedding cake! Isn't it cool!

I originally thought I'd save this post for my birthday, but I can't wait until then! (October 21 if anyone wants to send me birthday money! HA!) I need a little relief from all the tropical pictures! So I'll post some pic's from some 50's/60's birthday parties. (Maybe some of you might see yourself in attendance! Maybe my two summer birthday friends!)

This party is my brother's third birthday. I guessed that since the cake my mother made is in the shape of a three. I'm the baby in the high chair.

Now this is a real group of thumbsuckers! My husband's the baby in the right corner of the sofa! Pretty nice cake with lots of little horsies! It looks like it's straight out of the cake decorating section in the Betty Crocker cookbook!

This is a friend's party! I guess we're making sand/cat-poo cakes in that sandbox! LOL And I can only imagine the black stuff we're getting on our clothes from the tractor tire!

This is my fifth birthday party. Looks like I'm the fire chief? I guess the Dime Store in Oswego didn't have any nurse's hats! I distinctly remember this party because my mother invited everyone in the first grade at my grade school and then was stunned at how hard it was to control all the kids. LOL She talked about it for years! The party was planned outdoors, but the weather didn't cooperate. So that's the basement of our house.

Store bought cake! Woo hooooo! My cousin Jon was my fourth birthday present, so here we're sharing a cake that my aunt bought from a bakery! I distinctly remember a clown cake one year!Bakery cakes were a real treat! Not that my mother wasn't a great baker, but I still love bakery cakes. I loved getting a piece with a huge decoration on top -- all that extra icing!

This is obviously my brother's birthday because it's a fancy large cake! LOL (Sibling rivalry!) I'm probably sitting there hoping he'll tilt it far enough that it will slide off the pan and fall on the ground! :) Actually, probably not, because then I wouldn't be able to EAT it! HA! I can't tell what that year's design was, but his birthday was close to Easter, so he got really inventive cakes. Easter bunnies, Easter eggs, footballs (I think those two were cut in the same basic shape!), etc....

This is one of my grade school birthday parties! I'm thinking late grade school because I'm noticing the absence of boys. But it's hard to tell since I'm not in the pic.

At our house, we didn't have BIG birthday parties every year (as opposed to today's kids who get the huge dog and pony show on every birthday)! My mom always took cupcakes or some other treat to the classroom, and then we celebrated with family instead. In fact, I never remember any clowns, blow up bouncy rooms, pony rides, treat bags, $500 cakes, magicians, etc... Maybe a balloon to take home, but that was about it. Life was so much simpler then!

I SO wish I had a piece of cake for breakfast today! Dang! Check out the Cake Wrecks blog! It's a real hoot!

P.S. I just figured out I'd missed the best family birthday pic of all! Here's my dad with his sixth birthday cake. Notice the cake displayed on a platter with lace-trimmed tablecloth, and he's in a sailorsuit made by my grandmother. I think Grandma Bowman may have been a 1930's Martha Stewart!


  1. Great photos, Beck! I have to start scanning some of my old family pics! I just had my birthday(60th) Monday & celebrated with about 9000 people. I was at the fair all day and in the morning the announcer announced my b-day ( I'm the Sec. of the fair), so i had folks congratulating me all day.

  2. Thanks Ann! I noticed your blue ribbon pictures on the message board! Wonderful pics! Congratulations! Sounds like you had a great birthday! Hope you got a piece of cake!

  3. OMG! I'm laughing my ass off. Bob said he had read your blog for today, but couldn't find me in any of the birthday party pictures. Sadly, I had to point out that I was geek girl in one of them. By the way, Daddy painted that tractor tire gray so we wouldn't get black on our clothes while we made those catpoo pies. LOL!

  4. Yenny, that post is in honor of you and Yudy! LMAO Now if our other partner in crime would just take a look! Craig pointed out that the tractor tire was a 'tire track free' zone.
