Friday, September 12, 2008

The Best Part of Wakin' Up!

It took me almost a year and a half to get into any kind of morning routine after we moved to Arizona, but I think I've finally accomplished that. I try to start the day with a bike ride, walk, or trip to the gym.

(That's me in my new purple headband!)

After I feel thoroughly pummeled, I head back home to fix my favorite coffee drink. I don't need no stinkin' Starbucks. That used to be the place I'd head right after the gym, but when I realized I was giving Starbucks at least $4 a day 5 or more days a week, I figured I'd better break that habit! Personally, I'd rather buy an airplane ticket with that change! Not to mention you really never know whether you're getting exactly what you ordered. I always ordered the decaf coffee light frappe with sugar free hazelnut, but they'd often call it out as a coffee frappe with hazelnut. Of course, when questioned about it, they always responded that they MEANT to say decaf and light! So I never knew whether I was getting a 500 calorie bomb or the low-cal version. An employee finally admitted to me at one store after I'd been ordering the drink for a year that they didn't make decaf frappes. They used caffeinated coffee when they prepared the liquid mix. No big deal except for the fact that my blood pressure was extremely sensitive to caffeine and it was HIGH! So, besides being cheaper, it's a lot easier to control what (caffeine and calories) you're getting if you make it yourself. And you don't have to wait in that line! :)

Here's my recipe. I buy whatever coffee drink mix Costco happens to have in stock. When they're out of stock, I request it and it usually shows up fairly soon. Right now in this area, Costco's carrying the Big Train Java Chip drink mix.

I add 6 oz. of warm decaf coffee (warm helps it blend smoother), some sugar free Almond Roca flavoring, and one scoop of the mix (it tells you to add two, but one is enough and it saves on calories!) to the blender. Blend for a few seconds, then add roughly two cups of crushed ice. Blend until smooth. And you have yourself a cheap java chip coffee lite frappe with sugar-free almond roca flavoring. I also alternate with sugar free hazelnut syrup as a flavoring. In this area, World Market carries the Torani syrups. If I'm out of the flavoring, the drink still tastes good!

And here's the best part of the morning! Checking out the blogs while enjoying my coffee drink. And don't rat me out on the cookies!

P.S. My son bought us a kick ass small travel blender as a gift. We took it to Isla in May (along with the mix and syrup) and had wonderful coffee drinks every morning. We'd sit on the balcony after our morning walk and enjoy the view!


  1. Who do you think you are fooling? I recognize you in that leopard suit!

    Another great blog and you are quickly becoming part of my morning routine, as I now check for the new Becky Blog every morning!

  2. I'll be joining you in cafe oleh land! I got a kilo of Starbucks coffee beans at Costco yesterday to join the coffee grinder my friend Deb got me for my birthday. Love the blog!
