Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Worst Thing

I was sitting in a medical office yesterday reading an article about blogging. The article weighed the pro's and con's of letting it all hang out online. Their research showed that confession is not only good for the soul, but great for your health! So their verdict was keep on bloggin!

I tend not to bare much of my personal trials online for fear people will be bored by my whining. But maybe I'll bare just a tidbit. I was in that office for a diagnostic mammogram and/or ultrasound. Another fricking recall. Every mammogram since the age of 45, I've gotten the dreaded call back. After once again having the process drag on for over a month and having the crap scared out of me, the decision was benign. Plop plop fizz fizz -- oh what a relief it is. You'd think I would be used to the drill by now, but the worry was intensified this year since my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in June.

Since I'm in the mood to purge, I'll tell you the worst thing I ever did. Then you have to confess your worst sin! Tee hee.

See this car? A shiny black sporty Corvair convertible with red faux leather (vinyl) interior. It was my brother's pride and joy. That's him standing in front of it with our cousin Jon. In the time before the Corvair, he'd had to pay his dues and drive a late 1940's era Ford he inherited when my grandfather died.

Well . . . I drowned his shiny black convertible. Yes, you heard that right. My brother, trying foolishly to be helpful, consented to let me drive it on the afternoon before my first Driver's Ed class. I was extremely embarrassed because I'd never driven a car and didn't want to appear stupid on my first class outing. (Much better to appear that night in class in front of everyone and listen to all the inner tube jokes.) So Larry took me out to a gravel road on the other side of the river and gave me the wheel. One thing led to another, and I ended up driving over an embankment into a flooded river backup area. I can still remember the sound of the water whooshing into the car as it quickly poured in through the vents. And then my brother screaming "Get out of the God-damn car!" at me after he managed to pry open the driver's side door.

My brother and I appeared on the doorstep at home dripping soaking wet. Our mother answered the door and said, "You're all wet?" My brother replied, "Becky drove my car into the river." She said, "You're kidding!" And he yelled, "Does it look like it!!!!"

It all worked out in the end. The car was totalled by the insurance company and my parents replaced my brother's Corvair with a shiny red '67 Mustang. (And I managed to scrape the side of it when my brother went off to college without it his freshman year.) I was a very bad girl.

So -- that's my confession. What's yours?

P.S. Sorry Larry!


Sue said...

Great story, Beck! At times we've threatened to drive Limey into the lagoon - maybe I can just get you to do it?

Nice purge, but I'm not telling mine...hehehe.

On another note, glad all is benign. Mine is too. Yeah!

Ann said...

Great news, Becky! I had a pretty boring life, so I can't think of anything much to tell--will have to think about it!

Life's a Beach! said...

Congrats Sue! Looks like the sun was shining on both of us yesterday!

Dig deep Ann! Tee hee. I could probably write a book of stories like this one -- tee hee. It could be a sitcom like Earl where I go around and make amends.

Vee said...

Beck, I had a Corvair too, but not a convertible. Wish you'd been around to drive it into a river so I could have gotten a Mustang. You did your brother a favor, lol!

Congrats on the mammo. I'm off work today, TCB, and just came from the doctor's office for a BP follow up. I'm almost where I need to be.

Will have to think about my worst transgression. I have a wide selection to choose from!

Life's a Beach! said...

Maybe everyone should send me their transgressions and I'll post the anonymous list! Tee hee! Of course, that would imply a level of trust that readers might not have after seeing what I post! :)

Vee, my dad just didn't learn the Corvair lesson. My first car was also a Corvair convertible. Yellow with a black top. It had some problem where exhaust fumes leaked into the interior of the car. The motor also overheated. (Especially when driven round in circles on a Saturday night.) Hope you get the B.P. under control. The medication dropped mine really low at first, but now I'm right at normal.

Vee said...

Beck, one of my best friend's older brothers was into Corvairs when we were in high school. Guess you love 'em or hate 'em. He had a couple, and my gf had one.

The bro knew how to work on them - he went on to become an airline mechanic for several years. I remember the exhaust problem and also Ralph Nader's "unsafe at any speed" campaign, which made Corvairs notorious. Yet I bought one for $300 from my college roommate when she graduated. I called it my sewing machine on wheels.

Anonymous said...

Very nice pictures and blog!

Life's a Beach! said...

Vee, I used to worry about the rubber band breaking. Tee hee.

Thanks Steve! Loved that crazy photo of you and Bill today! LOL!